Template:Defender Base Skills

Template page
Revision as of 19:43, 4 October 2022 by Archer (talk | contribs)

Skill Strike icon.png


Level 1
Cooldown 10s
Execution 1s
Execution Movement -60%
Summary Small damage ability that does not scale with levels.

Skill ThreateningStrike icon.png

Threatening Strike

Level 1
Cooldown {{{cooldown}}}
Execution {{{exec}}}
Execution Movement {{{exec_move}}}
Summary Increase threat while striking the enemy. High damage.

Skill Provoke icon.png


Level 2
Cooldown {{{cooldown}}}
Execution {{{exec}}}
Execution Movement {{{exec_move}}}
Summary Utility skill used to increase threat by a large amount.

Skill Resistant icon.png


Level 4
Cooldown {{{cooldown}}}
Execution {{{exec}}}
Execution Movement {{{exec_move}}}
Summary Bolsters defensive capabilities for 20 sec.

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