Zone connection map
Note: There are plans to make this map clickable via a mermaid diagram
Below is mermaid code (for previous version of the zone connection map). The code can be viewed as a diagram in Visual Studio Code (save as Make sure to copy the code from the Edit view in mediawiki (to prevent certain special characters from messing up the format):
flowchart BT
ML[Meadowlands 8+]:::Outdoors
ML ===== RF
AQ2[Aquifer Undercroft 25+]---ML
MLEVA[ML EV-A Spiders 16+]-.- ML
ML-.- MLEVB[ML EV-B Frogs 12+]
ML-.- MLEVC[ML EV-C Mires 15+]
DF[Dryfoot 14+]
DF -.- DFEVB[DF EV-B Basilisks 20+]
DS[Dryfoot Stronghold 22+] --- DF
DF -.- DFEVA[DF EV-A Ants 18+]
RF[Redshore Forest 25+]
RF --- RR[Redshore Ridge 30+]
NR[Northreach 6+]
NR ==== DF
NR-.- NREVA[NR EV A Emberflies 8+]
NR -.- NREVC[NR EV C Bats 10+]
NR---CV2[CV North Spiders 8+ Exies 14+]
NV[Northhaven Valley 1+]
NV---CV1W[CV South W 4+]
NV === NC(Northhaven City)
NV[Northhaven Valley 1+]---CV1E[CV South E 4+]
NR ===ML
ML---AQ1[Aquifer Karst 16+]
DF === RF
NC === NR
classDef City fill:#777,stroke:#000,stroke-width:8px,color:#fff
classDef Outdoor fill:#361,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff
classDef Desert fill:#863,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff
classDef Forest fill:#142,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff
classDef Dungeon fill:#333,stroke:#000,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff
classDef EmberVeins fill:#333,stroke:#ffbf00,stroke-width:2px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
class ML,NR,NV Outdoor
class DF,DS Desert
class NC City
class RF,RR Forest
class CV2,CV1W,CV1E,AQ1,AQ2 Dungeon
linkStyle 3,4,5,7,10,11,2 stroke:#ffbf00,stroke-width:4px,color:orange;