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- Fixed some NPC navigation issues in Grimstone Canyon
- Fixed some prop issues in Newhaven Valley & Newhaven City
- Fixed Sentinel's Alchemy II Resuscitate not healing all health (for real this time).
- Fixed UI issue with the LFG level range inputs not being behind blocking panels
- Fixed a client side exception that could cause the game & chat to become unresponsive.
- Fixed torch texture emissions not being disabled in the day when the torch was snuffed.
- Fixed an issue with keybind labels on the pouch & reagent pouch from not drawing on top of the slot frame.
- Added Well Travelled Roads to Newhaven City
- Added the red out of distance/range overlay to consumables such as Kunai
- Buff/Debuff icon frames are now a static color. The countdown text is now colored blue/red depending on if it is a buff or debuff.
- The time icon in the upper right now opens a time window (or a clock) that can be left open. Keybind for "Time Window" is unbound by default.
- Fixed typo on Poplar Smoked Meat
- Fixed issue with Smuggler Vik's animations.
- Corrected stat bonuses on level 25 Manslayer Great Sword
- Bloodrite weapons from Freehold are now considered legacy items.
- Deeproot armors updated to be relic items.
- Revenant's Reaver returned to include a +HIT component.
- Increased spawn chance of Grimstone Marauder sub-types in Grimstone Canyon
- Changed spawns to non-aggressive around Redshore Ridge Hallow.
- Increased wilds density of Redshore Ridge
- Increased spawn density around Grimstone Canyon Rat Nest Ruins.
- Increased item category tiers for Forest of Madness rewards.
- Adjusted the starting quest from Gustav.