The following is a list of in game commands that do stuff.
- /help or /list to show this output
- /help [command] to show a longer description for a command (if one is available)
- /listobjectives - Displays a list of current quests and objectives
- /tell - Send a tell to another player
- /r - Reply to the last tell
- /say - Sends a message to the Say channel
- /party - Sends a message to the Party channel
- /guild - Sends a message to the Guild channel
- /officer - Sends a message to the Officer channel
- /yell - Sends a message to the Yell channel
- /zone - Sends a message to the Zone channel
- /world - Sends a message to the World channel
- /trade - Sends a message to the Trade channel
- /subscriber - Sends a message to the Subscriber channel
- /combat - Toggle Combat Stance
- /sit - Toggle Sitting
- /torch - Toggle Torch Stance
- /online - Set yourself as "Online"
- /afk - Toggle AFK
- /dnd - Toggle Do Not Disturb
- /anon - Toggle Anonymous
- /quit - Quit the game
- /camp - Camp out to character selection
- /duel - Challenge your defensive target to a duel by death roll!
- /time - Displays the in-game time
- /localtime - Displays the I RL time
- /utctime - Displays the IRL UTC time
- /servertime - Displays the IRL time for the server (CST)
- /played - Displays the amount of time you have played this session and overall
- /stuck - Attempts to automatically move your character to a location where they will not be stuck
- /rope - Pulls you to your defensive target if they are close enough. Use this when /stuck does not work.
- /bag - Attempts to drag your bag to your position.
- /groupconsent - Toggle bag drag permissions for your group members
- /huntinglog - Print hunting log status.
- /report - Sends a report to Stormhaven Studios
- /debugposition - Saves your current location to your clipboard
- /friend - Sends or accepts a friend request
- /unfriend - Unfriends a player
- /block - Blocks a player
- /unblock - Unblocks a player
- /gcreate - Creates a guild
- /ginvite - Invites a player to your guild
- /gpromote - Promotes a player within your guild
- /gdemote - Demotes a player within your guild
- /gkick - Kicks a player from your guild
- /gleave - Leaves your current guild
- /gdisband - Disbands your current guild if you are capable
- /who - Displays a list of online players
- /roll - Rolls a d100
- /emote - Sends a message as emotive text
- /invite - Invites a player to group
- /accept - Accepts the pending group invite
- /decline - Declines the pending group invite
- /promote - Promotes a player to group leader
- /kick - Kicks a player from the group
- /leave - Leaves the group
- /instance - Displays the current zone instance (Usage: /instance)
- /switchinstance - Switch to a specific instance if available (Usage: /switchinstance 1)
- /reloadchatcolors - Reload custom chat colors in chatColors.json